For four years in a row (2015 – 2018), SYL was among the best in “Brake Pads” category of Sindirepa/SP Awards – The Best Of The Year. Sindirepa/SP is the legal representative of vehicles supply industries in São Paulo/Brazil. The celebration reveals the best autoparts brands that stood out in 18 different aspects. The research is made by Cinau (Automotive Intelligence Central) that interviews over 400 repairers. The participants are evaluated through many criteria like: quality, performance, client service and disponibility.
Besides valuing and rewarding the brands that offer excellent repair service and supplies, the event also collaborates to improve the attention at mechanical workshops. The main goal is promoting the enhancement of the segment and the professionals network, including suppliers and collaborators.
Currently, the sector is responsible for maintaining around 80% of the circulating fleet – which means more than 40 million vehicles.
For three consecutive years (2016-2018), SYL’s brake pads were also among the top three at Inova Awards. This celebration is promoted by Novo Varejo Journal, the most important communication vehicle focused on autoparts retail in Brazil, in association with Ipsos Institute, one of the most renowed research companies all over the world. The study investigate the industries that stood out in autoparts shops, considering their products and services.
The survey evaluates 500 retail shops to find the best brands considering recall and preference. Inova Awards intends to find out, in a partnership with the retailers, the autoparts producers that were important to the market during the year.
DPK is an autoparts distributor which is responsible for promoting Alliance Awards every year. The celebration intends to recognize companies and institutions that contributed to the development of the sector during the year.
In 2018, SYL got the “Sales Increase” trophy. One year later, we won in Bronze category. The ceremony recalls how important is supporting the industries and professionals that are dedicated to this market. It also highlights the need of thinking about innovation.